vl-vallarta-garden-club-new-season_.htm The PV Garden Club begins a new season and welcomes back our supporters and members who are returning to Puerto Vallarta now. Not yet a member? Here's a list of fun ways you can help us to continue our mission of 'Beautifying Vallarta.' PV Garden Club: A New Season of Beautifying Puerto Vallarta PV Garden Club: A New Season of 'Beautifying Vallarta' PVGC: New Season of 'Beautifying Vallarta' Time to Renew Your Garden Club Membership pvgardenclub.gif David Muck - vallartagardenclub.com November 12, 2018 pvgc.jpg 600 x 358 PV Garden Club members and volunteers planted more than 5,000 plants in the Plaza de Armas for the enjoyment of our residents and visitors during the Puerto Vallarta Centennial celebrations. -----------

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - Each November, the Garden Club begins it's annual membership campaign. As a privately funded organization, we rely solely on member support to do the many public beautification projects like the one shown above.

We Have Many Levels of Giving - One is Right for You!

Our General Membership fee begins at $500 pesos person and scales to $5,000 pesos per person for those that have the resources to give at this level.

If you would like to use PayPal to renew your membership, click HERE. If you want to pay by cash or credit card, you can do so at one of our upcoming events listed below, or by making arrangements with our treasurer, Cole Martelli (email: colemartelli(at)yahoo.com.) Thanks for your critical support!

Important Upcoming Events

November 14: Membership Renewal Meeting
4:30 pm, Incanto

Our first event of the new season will be held at Incanto, 109 Insurgentes at Rio Cuale. Join us on the beautiful Incanto patio for drinks, followed by a brief presentation on our many summer projects. We will also discuss upcoming events, plans for the new season and much more.

December 5: Annual Holiday Luncheon
12:00 noon, Vallarta Botanical Garden

Each December, we look forward to our annual lunch at the Vallarta Botanical Garden. Make plans now to join us for this festive affair. Details coming soon.

December 11: New Member Recruitment Reception
5:30 pm, Molino de Agua Garden

Bring a friend and join us for a lovely wine and cocktail sunset reception in the beautiful garden at Molino de Agua. RSVP is required for this event. (A check-in list is required by Molino de Agua.)

January 8: Monthly Membership Meeting
4:30 pm, Incanto

We'll kick off 2019 with our first PVGC membership meeting of the new year. Our guest speaker to be announced as the date draws nearer.

January 22: Fiesta del Sol
6:30 pm, Oscar's Restaurant

Our largest event of the year, our annual gala, will be held Jan. 22, 2019 at Oscar's Restaurant on Rio Cuale. This year, we celebrate the sun with "Fiesta del Sol". Beautiful oranges, yellows... the many colors of our sunsets. It is our most important fundraiser of the season, generating the large majority of our annual income, so we genuinely appreciate your attendance. Tickets can be purchased using PayPal (click HERE), or with a credit card or cash once you're in Puerto Vallarta. If you would like to reserve a table, please email Cole Martelli at colemartelli(at)yahoo.com.

The Vallarta Garden Club is registered as a non-profit organization in Mexico. Annual dues are only $500 pesos for individuals or $750 for couples and are used to support the club's ongoing efforts to make Vallarta a more beautiful place. The Vallarta Garden Club is registered as a non-profit organization in Mexico. For more information, 'Friend' us on Facebook or visit vallartagardenclub.com.