vl-vallarta-free-pet-sterilization-campaign_.htm There are many non-profit animal organizations in the Banderas Bay area that offer free spay and neuter clinics on a regular basis, but on November 10 & 11, the Puerto Vallarta Animal Shelter is organizing the city's 3rd free mass pet sterilization campaign. Puerto Vallarta's Third Free Mass Pet Sterilization Campaign Vallarta's Third Free Mass Pet Sterilization Campaign Vallarta's Free Spay and Neuter Campaign 0703 theanatomy.gif Lorena Sonrisas - BanderasNews.com November 1, 2018 freesterilization.jpg 600 x 358 To make an appointment for the free spay and neuter clinics, animal owners must call the Puerto Vallarta Department of Animal Welfare at (322) 225-8837, Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. ----------

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - There are many non-profit animal organizations in the greater Banderas Bay area that offer free spay and neuter clinics on a regular basis, but on November 10 & 11, the Puerto Vallarta municipal government is organizing the city's third free mass pet sterilization campaign, in an effort to stop the breeding cycle and reduce the number of dogs and cats that end up living on the streets.

Puerto Vallarta has been at the forefront of society and government working together to achieve better results in the area of animal welfare since 2015, when the Animal Care, Control and Surveillance Unit, aka the "Green Patrol," a legal arm of the Puerto Vallarta police force, was created with the objective of responding to animal abuse reports, to investigate, and to rescue abused and/or neglected animal when necessary.

This mass sterilization campaign is a fundamental part of the city's plan to continue raising awareness and promoting animal protection. In the two previous endeavors, approximately 760 dogs and cats were sterilized in just four days, significantly reducing the number of stray and/or abandoned animals in Puerto Vallarta.

So, with the support of Mayor Arturo Dávalos Peña, the Municipal Animal Shelter, along with Green Patrol, Vallarta Adventures and the Fundación Calle Cero, will be holding this third edition of the city's mass spay and neuter campaign from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm on November 10 and 11 at the Regional Police Academy in Las Juntas. The service is free of charge - by appointment only.

To make an appointment, animal owners must call the Department of Animal Welfare (322) 225-8837, Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Clinic coordinators are expecting to receive more than 300 dogs and cats per day - so make your appointment today!

The Regional Police Academy is located at Revolución 350, in Colonia Las Juntas.