vl-vallarta-bomberos-pancake-breakfast_.htm Although our first-responders don't seek recognition for their devotion to the Puerto Vallarta community, from time to time we have the opportunity to express our appreciation. You can show your support by attending the PV Bomberos Pancake Breakfast on February 24 at Lazaro Cardenas Park. Puerto Vallarta First Responders Pancake Breakfast, Feb. 24th Puerto Vallarta Bomberos Pancake Breakfast, Feb. 24th PV Bomberos Pancake Breakfast, Feb. 24th pvfirstresponders.gif Gary Green - BanderasNews.com January 11, 2019 pancakes.jpg 300 x 424 ------------

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - Superman, Spiderman, and Batman – they are whom many consider heroes. But it is the fire fighters, paramedics and lifeguards who come to our rescue, and save the lives of our loved ones, day in and day out. They are the real-life heroes - and now you have the opportunity to show them your appreciation!

Come on down to Lazaro Cardenas Park on Sunday, February 24th, where, from 8 am to 12 noon, Puerto Vallarta's first responders will be serving up fluffy buttermilk pancakes, crisp bacon, scrambled eggs and piping hot coffee, to raise funds for bedding and dormitory supplies for their primary station, and general supplies for the three new stations that have recently opened up in outlying areas.

Festivities include a hearty breakfast, live entertainment, a Día de la Bandera (Flag Day) celebration and special guests. Tickets will be available at the PVRPV offices, located at Lazaro Cárdenas #205 Int. 6, kitty-corner from the park on the south side of Vallarta, beginning January 21, 2019 for only $200 pesos each.

The fire fighters, paramedics and lifeguards here in Puerto Vallarta seemingly do miracles with nothing. So, in addition to buying a Bomberos Pancake Breakfast ticket or two, please consider bringing something from their current wish list including ace wraps, antibiotic ointment, bed sheets, canned food, cleaning supplies, crutches, diapers (pediatric and adult), gloves (sterile and non-sterile), over-the-counter medicine, powdered infant formula, toothbrushes and toothpaste, towels, and vitamins. If you cannot join us, please consider making a donation of any size.

If you would like to make a financial contribution to the cause, or help with the 'grocery list' so 100% of the event's proceeds will benefit our first-responders, please click HERE for donation information.