spt-f1-grand-prix-might-leave-mexico-city_.htm If you are a Formula One car racing fan, this year might be your last chance to attend Mexico City's Grand Prix, as the new government's plans to use the $21 Million race fee to build a tourist train in southern Mexico might put an end to Mexico's premier auto competition. Formual One Grand Prix Race Might Leave Mexico City by 2020 F-1 Grand Prix Race Might Leave Mexico City by 2020 F-1 Grand Prix Might Leave Mexico City 1511 formula1.gif Rodrigo Cervantes - Frontera Desk go to original
February 5, 2019 1306 mexicograndprix.jpg 600 x 358 After a 23-year absence, a 5-year deal to run the F-1 Mexican Grand Prix was signed in 2015, but now Mexico City's newly inaugurated mayor says the federal government will not pay the $21M fee in 2020. -------------

Mexico City - If you are a Formula One car racing fan, this year might be your last chance to attend Mexico City's Grand Prix, as the new government's plans might put an end to Mexico's premier auto competition.

Claudia Sheinbaum is Mexico City's recently inaugurated mayor, and a member of Morena, the left-leaning ruling party that swept Mexico's elections last year.

And, as part of Morena's promise of austerity, Sheinbaum announced that the federal government will stop paying the $21 million USD fee for the Formula One Race in Mexico City.

Sheinbaum says this year's race has been paid already, but next year's funds will be used to build a tourist train in southern Mexico.

The mayor stated that the government and the F-1 promoters in Mexico are looking for budget alternatives to keep the Mexican Grand Prix.

Critics say the cancellation of the F-1 will bring a big loss in tourism income, but supporters consider it a smart move to save taxpayer money.

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