nr-nordex-to-produce-rotor-blades-in-mexico.htm Nordex to Produce Wind Turbine Rotor Blades in Mexico Nordex to Produce Rotor Blades in Mexico windturbine.gif Betsy Lillian - NA Windpower The Nordex Group has announced plans to set up a wind turbine rotor blade production facility in Matamoros, Mexico. At full capacity, the plant will create around 900 direct and indirect local jobs, according to a statement released by the Germany-based company. rr-mexican-aphrodisiac-foods-set-the-mood.htm Seduce Your Valentine with Mexico's Aphrodisiac Foods chocolate.gif Marie Callan Valentine's Day is for lovers. In fact, the roots of this celebration go back more than 2,000 years to the Roman Feast of Lupercalia, when men hit on women by, well, hitting them. This Pagan festival included lots of drinking and foods thought to have libidinous effects. ----------- vl-what-vallarta-kids-think-about-vcep-2.htm Seaver Foundation Reveals Results of VCEP Interviews helpinghands.gif John Warren This week, the IFC's John Warren follows up on last week's article regarding the Seaver Foundation's 2018 interviews of Puerto Vallarta kids that participate in the Volcanes Community Education Project after-school program. Here, he reveals some of the evaluators' findings.