nr-mexico-from-prison-to-cultural-center.htm Mexico's Alcatraz to be Turned into a Cultural Center amlo2.gif President Andrés Manuel López Obrador on Monday signed a declaration closing the federal prison on the Islas Marías, 60 miles off Mexico's Pacific coast. The former penitentiary will be turned into a learning center for the arts, culture and care of the natural environment. ------------- vl-vallarta-ifc-christina-martell.htm Improving the Lives of Children in Boca de Tomatlan orphans.gif John Warren Christina Martell was passionate about making the lives of children in Boca de Tomatlan better, whether by improving their access to dental health or to education. She was a person who knew that she could not help everyone, but she could help some, and she worked tirelessly to do that. ------------ vl-loca-vallarta-having-fun-helping-others.htm Fun Adventures, New Experiences and Helping Others localogo.gif KiWiNESS Nzed After receiving an urgent call for help from Canica Puerto Vallarta, the Ladies Outdoor Club Adventures (LOCA) and Wildlife Connection organized a turtle release tour and used 100% of the proceeds to buy groceries for 17 low income families with children suffering from cancer.