art-vallarta-opc-fifth-anniversary.htm Oficina de Proyectos Culturales Celebrates 5 Years in PV opclogo.gif María Francesca On June 8, 2019, the Oficina de Proyectos Culturales, an independent, nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting art, education and culture to Puerto Vallarta residents and visitors, will celebrate its 5th anniversay with music, food & friends - and you're invited! ------------ to-free-summer-fun-in-puerto-vallarta.htm Free Activities Add to Summer Vacation Savings smileysun.gif Lorena Sonrisas Summer is just around the corner and with that comes great vacation getaways. Visitors to Puerto Vallarta will not only find discounted rates on some of the city's most popular tours, but also many fun - and free! - activities that'll keep the whole family entertained. ----------- vl-soriana-helps-vallarta-rehabilitation-clinic.htm Soriana Supports Santa Bárbara Rehabilitation Clinic soriana.gif Banderas News Team The Rehabilitation Clinic of Puerto Vallarta – Santa Bárbara, was awarded $57,043 pesos by the supermarket chain Soriana, who during the months of March and April, invited their clients to 'Round Up' the change from their grocery purchases for donations to the clinic. ------------ to-vallarta-botanical-garden-hummingbird-festival.htm 2019 Hummingbird Festival at Vallarta Botanical Garden 0909 phototips24.gif Marie Callan Everyone is invited to come out to the Vallarta Botanical Garden from 11:30 am to 3:00 pm on Sunday, June 16 for the 2019 Hummingbird Festival and Celebration, a fun, family-oriented educational event celebrating one of nature's vibrant aerial acrobats.