nr-mexico-city-neutral-school-uniforms.htm Mexico City Announces 'Neutral' School Uniforms 1511 peacecamp.gif On Monday, Mexico City Mayor Claudia Sheinbaum announced the end of gender-specific school uniforms. Students attending public and private kindergartens, primary and secondary schools in Mexico City may now choose to wear skirts or pants as part of the school uniform. ----------- to-8-things-to-know-before-moving-to-mexico.htm Things You Should Know Before Moving to Mexico 1707 moving.gif Laura McCamy - Business Insider Mexico is home to more American expats than any other country in the world. But if you're thinking of packing up and moving to Mexico, there are a few things you should know first. An expat blogger and other Americans who've moved here offer their best advice. --------- ent-concomics-vallarta-los-mangos-library.htm ConComics Puerto Vallarta 2019 at Los Mangos Library 1710 concomics.gif On June 15 and 16 from 12:00 to 6:00 pm, Centro Cultural Biblioteca Los Mangos will host ConComics Puerto Vallarta 2019, a multi-genre entertainment and comic convention similar to Comic-Con events in the United States, but on a smaller scale.