hb-diabetes-prevention-secrets-from-mexico_.htm Mexico has among the greatest remedies, herbs, and foods to prevent diabetes. Sadly, like all modern countries, the people of Mexico are burdened by the SAD diet - the Standard American Diet - and are forgetting their heritage of natural medicine. Diabetes Prevention: Secrets from the Traditional Foods of Mexico Diabetes Prevention: The Traditional Foods of Mexico Diabetes Prevention: Secrets from Mexico Dr. Leslie Korn - BanderasNews.com 1101 cafedecapomo.gif May 31, 2019 traditionalfoods.jpg 600 x 277 All of these wonderful Mexican plants alone are not the answer to preventing diabetes. However, diabetes is not genetic, it is not hereditary. It is totally preventable and, in many cases, reversible. ------
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - Mexico has among the greatest remedies, herbs and foods to prevent diabetes. Sadly, like all modern countries, the people of Mexico are burdened by the SAD diet - the Standard American Diet - and are forgetting their heritage of natural medicine. Thankfully, traditional and authentic ways of living are being revitalized and along with Mexico, the world is benefitting from this knowledge!
Two weeks ago, I had the pleasure of being invited to present, in Spanish, at Asociación Culinaria Vallartense in Puerto Vallarta on their 1st Anniversary and Diabetes Charity Event. I shared different methods of preventing and treating diabetes that I have learned from many elders in and around the Bahía de Banderas over the last 45 years.
This wisdom, combined with biomedical scientific understanding of the values of these important foods and medicines, provides a full picture of our next steps to support our clients, our families, and ourselves, in whole health.
I want to share this talk with you too, so I created a blog entry with the transcript of my speech (in English and Spanish) and some photos so you can feel like you were there! Get the insight at DrLeslieKorn.com.