hb-healthcare-resources-vallarta-news-events_.htm Where in the world did the 'high' season go? It just zipped by! For those who are still here in Puerto Vallarta, we have several speakers programs and fun activities planned this month, and, as always, Healthcare Resources continues to be here for all your healthcare needs. Healthcare Resources Puerto Vallarta May 2019 News & Events Healthcare Resources Puerto Vallarta May News & Events Healthcare Resources PV May News & Events 1511 hrpv.gif Pamela Thompson - BanderasNews.com May 8, 2019 1403/images/hrpv.jpg 220 x 316 -----------
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - Where in the world did the 'high' season go? It just zipped by in a blink! For those who are still here in Puerto Vallarta, we have several speakers programs and some fun activities planned this month, and, as always, Healthcare Resources will continue to be here for all of your healthcare needs.
No charge events. Space is limited. RSVP required
Breakfast with a Physician - Dr. Sigifredo Lopez
Date: May 14, 2019
Time: 9:00 am
We are so proud to introduce to the area, Dr. Sigifredo Lopez (we call him Dr. Ziggy!). He is an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. No, this is not just about dental work (he is NOT a dentist) but a specialty that covers of course, facial traumas but as well, Dr. Ziggy specializes in sleep apnea, TMJ, and a whole lot of other issues covering the neck, face and head. Join us as we casually sit around a table, have some breakfast, and ask Dr. Ziggy your specific questions. Our Breakfast with a Physician programs are very popular so RSVP via email to pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com is required.
"Workout Safety" - Dr. Galindo, Orthopedic
Date: May 21, 2019
Time: 9:00 am
Dr. Galindo is our bilingual, highly experienced orthopedic who specializes, among other things, sports medicine. With all of the people, of ALL ages working out in the gym, what better topic to cover than how to do this safely! Is your workout causing more harm than good? Find out here! RSVP via email to pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com is required.
Our Nutrition Programs, led by the bilingual, highly experienced nutritionists of Clinic Sanmare are HUGELY popular! Maybe I am biased, but I really believe that the programs we've already done, including tropical fruit and food safety, are the best we have ever had!
Please join us as we continue with the series:
May 16, 2019 - Shopping Tour
No charge
Learn the history of the local Mexican 'market' as we stroll through a local one. We won't just cover all of the items for sale but will also learn about the background of markets, how they developed, what is available. Make all the purchases you want! RSVP via email to pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com for details. Space is very limited.
May 23, 2019 at 9:00 am - Smoothies!
50 pesos each to cover costs of materials
We live in a smoothie-lovers paradise with all of the fresh, tropical fruits. Demonstration, sampling and loads of nutrition information as our nutritionists demonstrate how to make a proper smoothie along with some great recipes. RSVP via email to pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com for all details.
May 30, 2019 at 9:00 am - Mexican Herbs and Spices
50 pesos each to cover costs of materials
We have a plethora of local herbs and spices to enhance and 'glorify' your cooking! This is going to be a great demonstration, program with samples and recipes, history and much, much more! If you cook, enjoy experimenting, this is for you! RSVP via email to pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com
Just because we are in 'low season' it certainly does not mean that we stop doing any of our ongoing programs and procedures. Colonoscopy, Ultrasound, MRI, Endoscopy, Lab studies and lots more. All it takes is an email to me for information.
What is Clinic Sanmare? It is a new (we opened in January) state of the art, multi-specialty clinic offering lab, X-ray/ultrasound among many other services. We are the only 'first point of contact' type of clinic in the area. We always have a GP on duty for walk-ins (although I like to say 'semi-walk-in' because one might have to wait just a bit). One of the jewels of Sanmare is the operating room. State of the art is an over-used term but this OR truly is! Procedure room for minor procedures. We have a large, spacious meeting room available for any type of seminar/meetings you/your group might need. Very soon we will be opening a pharmacy on site! Sanmare is NOT an emergency room and for any major emergency/trauma, you should go to a hospital ER! If you would like a tour, let me know.
If you are here in the summer months, you know one of the best places to go to escape the heat, even for a bit, is the movies! What better way to keep cool in the summer here? We are a small group that goes to the movies on Wednesdays. If you would like to be added to the email list for this, let me know! No commitments, nothing fancy. Just a couple of hours enjoying a movie, getting away from the heat.
Are you here year-round? Do you have any summer programs that you would like to promote? Book Club? Craft/Art classes? Special events? If so, please send them on to me in an email and I will put them together in a 'summer program/events' I am working on. Open to ideas!
As always we have our Wish List of items – things that are needed for the less fortunate. From hotel size soaps to medical supplies, everything is very much appreciated. Please send me an email if you would like a copy.
In closing – we hope that wherever you are, you are enjoying the summer months. Please feel free to send an email with any questions or comments that you might have!
Pamela Thompson