|  |  | Vallarta Living | November 2008  
True Dog Lovers in Vallarta
Jean Caha - PVNN

| There are no words that can describe my joy and gratefulness at the gift that Daisy's Tia Jhenny, Tia Nadya, Tia Laura, Tia Veronica, Tio Mariano, and Abuela Rosa have given me. Thank you. | | On Thursday, November 20th, Daisy and I spent a wonderful day at the beach. She performed tricks for people and showed off just how smart she was. We arrived back to our rental unit at approximately 8 pm. Within fifteen minutes she was gone.
 As best we can figure is that someone noticed how smart and loved she was, and that it would be easy money to take then return her. It was someone she had already met and trusted some what, she would have made a lot of noise if it hadn't been.
 Somewhere between being stolen, and reaching Abasalo in Centro a few kilometers away, she was hit by a car. She was then left alone to deal with it herself. Daisy crawled up onto a stairway a couple of doors down from a family of animal lovers who immediately took her in even though unsure if she aggressive. Of course, she wasn't.
 They offered water, she only took a little, they offered food, she wasn't interested. They made her a bed and loved her up and made her as comfortable as they could. They knew she needed a vet desperately. They dug into their pockets and made arrangements with Veterinaria Sabuesos to help her.
 They had taken very good pictures, and were in the process of putting up posters because they knew she was a loved girl. She had on a collar with three tags. They tried to call my home in Victoria, BC. as well as Daisy's vet but were unable to connect. They thought that her name was Victoria because it was on so many tags. So, Daisy Doo has a new nickname, Victoria.
 While they were looking after my best friend, I was busy putting up posters and talking to as many people as possible. I was offering a reward. As I started my search on Friday morning, one of the small shop owners at the beginning of the Malecon, who I call grandmother, grabbed my arm and explained that she had seen Daisy the night before with a man and his child and knew the man. She didn't know exactly where he lived but had a general idea of where he worked and pointed me in that direction. She hadn't seen the posters yet but already knew Daisy and was aware she wasn't with who she was supposed to be with.
 By this time, people had seen the posters and the young woman who was doing a lot of the care giving actually had five different attempts of someone trying to take Daisy from her on Friday. She gallantly resisted all of these attempts.
 On Saturday evening at approximately 8 pm I received a call. I went to the address of the person who showed me a picture and it was indeed my girl. This woman walked me around the corner and introduced me to a family. Because I have very little Spanish, and they have very little English, it took a while to get to the bottom of the story.
 I had already given the reward to the woman who called. All she had done was set me up. She had absolutely nothing to do with caring for Daisy. All she was interested in was the reward. She had told the family that she had the phone number of the owner, but she refused to give it to them. She also refused to give the reward money back so that I could give it to those who truly deserved it.
 The totally awesome family includes Jhenny Rodriguez, Veronica Gomez and husband Mariano Encarnacion, Laura, Nadya, and Rosa Rodriguez. Jhenny has the habit of picking up cats who have broken legs, having them helped, then taking them home. Kittens from garbage cans. You get the idea. A family of animal lovers. Our new family here in Vallarta.
 With the help of long time animal advocate Mariann who co-owns Apaches, Jhenny, Nadya and I picked Daisy up on Sunday. One of her rear legs was badly damaged with the joint exposed. It needed to be cleaned, stitched, and cauterized in order to close it. I was told that all the skin was gone and the nerves damaged. The other rear leg is badly scraped and very swollen, obviously painful. She is not walking and it will take some time to get her back to full function and her usual happy self. The one leg will never be perfect again and she will always have a limp.
 I am eternally grateful to Jhenny and her family and will do anything I can to help them if they ever need it. Although I know the identity of the man who stole Daisy and I could make a fuss about trying to get the reward money to the right people. I am not going to take any actions against them at the request of the family. Because they would probably try to cause trouble for them. I trust that they will have to answer to God when the time comes.
 I am very saddened that my friend has been very badly hurt and that there are people like this in the world. Just because I'm a foreigner it doesn't mean that I have money. I am a disabled person and Daisy is my Assistance Animal. This is my fourth time in Vallarta and we came here to investigate the possibilities of living here because it is getting to the point where I cannot afford to live in my own country.
 Although it is a story too long to tell, because of the laws in my country over the last year I have lost my home and the equity that I had built up in it. Without my home I cannot run the business I had looking after animals. Then barely over a year ago my mother passed away. Basically the only family I had.
 I am supposed to be taking a Spanish course but cannot attend because Daisy requires full time care and cannot walk. There will be no refund of the $400 USD I paid to learn Spanish. Needless to say we can't investigate any possibilities nor enjoy our time here because of her injuries.
 However, November 26th is my 48th birthday. There are no words that can describe my joy and gratefulness at the gift that Daisy's Tia Jhenny, Tia Nadya, Tia Laura, Tia Veronica, Tio Mariano, and Abuela Rosa have given me. Thank you. |

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