|  |  | Vallarta Living | December 2009  
Animal Lovers Celebrate Their Work Toward a Kinder World
Pegeen White - spcapv.com December 03, 2009

| SPCA-PV's Evening Under the Stars at Hacienda San Angel (photos by Sandra Carolina Briones) |  | More than 120 very well intentioned and generous people attended the SPCA-PV's Evening Under the Stars on November 28, resulting in the organization's most financially successful event ever. The view of the crown of the Cathedral de Guadalupe glowing against the sky during sunset was breathtaking, but the enthusiasm of the people gathered together to celebrate their belief in and their work towards a kinder and gentler world was a far more beautiful sight.
 Many people shared their stories of the joy they have received from their rescue animals. The SPCA-PV is grateful to all who attended and are helping to ensure that one day soon there will be no neglected, mistreated or abandoned animals on the streets of Puerto Vallarta.
 Bidding at the live auction was high-spirited and extraordinarily generous. Cindy and Jim Maser donated their item back to the SPCA-PV after winning with their high bid. They offered the item to Michael Washington, thus adding his second-highest bid to the evening's earnings.
 Not realizing what the Maser's intentions were when they donated the item back, auctioneers put it up for bid again, and Cindy and Jim offered to cover the cost of the stay so that the third winner's donation would be valid. When one item was won for an amount under its value, the Maser's stepped forward again to make up the difference!
 Sally Rangel of the Villa Ganz in Guadalajara was so happy with the 150% overbid on her boutique hotel that she offered a second stay on the spot and it was immediately bought for its full value of $1000 USD. David Pulen from P.V. Realty donated an unprecedented $850 for a dinner for two at Hacienda San Angel.
 This seemed a lovely way of honoring the Hacienda's owner and SPCA-PV Treasurer Janice Chatterton, who sponsored the Evening Under the Stars, thus ensuring that every penny raised from ticket sales, live and silent auctions; t-shirt, Christmas Card and bumper sticker sales; all will go directly to the rescue and care of animals. Janice paid all costs for the evening: dinner and drinks, entertainment by Katmandu and Mariachis Joya de Mexico, wait staff, and the gorgeous flowers on the tables.
 Many thanks to the generous donors of our other live auction items: Food by Seth, Café des Artistes, Restaurant Mezzogiorno in Bucerias, El Careyes Boutique Hotel, Nick's Cove in Northern California, and Four Seasons Resort in Punta de Mita. More acknowledgments and details regarding the evening's earnings will be published in the next newsletter, after all the pledged donations have been received.
 Special mention needs to go to some of the other volunteers who made the evening such a success: our new volunteer Diane Tinsley compiled our list of Pet Friendly Places in Puerto Vallarta and printed out copies at her own expense.
 Cassandra Shaw was up front and center during the Live Auction, announcing the auction items. She donated silent auction items as well, and all materials and costs for our new Christmas Cards that were for sale at the event. The cards can be purchased, along with SPCA-PV t-shirts, at Cassandra Shaw Jewelry on Basilio Badillo 276 in the Romantic Zone.
 Mark McCoy, in charge of organizing the auctions, worked hard to ensure the success of the evening. Fishing With Carolina owner Candace "Carolina" Shaw was key in setting up for the party and handling the sale of raffle tickets.
 The SPCA is also very grateful to SPCA-PV President Luz Wong and her mother, Ma de Luz Meza, Judith Peters, Marjorie Stevensen, Trish Mooney, Debbie Egan, Liliana Cano, Carolina Archer, and David Rohde who all helped the evening run smoothly, and who repeatedly offer their services in aid of our cause. Sandra Briones recorded the evening with her excellent photographs.
 "Que Buen Perro!" is our next fund raiser and awareness raising event, set for December 13th at 10 am at Los Sauces Park in Colonia Aralias. The dog obedience and "beauty" contests are intended to demonstrate how rewarding and important it is to have a well-behaved and well cared for dog. Entrance to the park and participation in the Grand Parade of Dogs is free; entry for the contests is $100 pesos per contest.
 Generous donations continue to come in to honor the memory of animal lover Helmeth Klumpp. Joy Hall donated $500 USD, Buck and Carol Lee Mills donated $100 USD and Bob and Carolyn Lamb donated $60 USD.
 Saturday Adoptions continue to be held at Los Mangos Library, 10 am to 2 pm. Rocco the dog and Billie the cat were adopted November 28th; donations totaling $800 pesos. Tanya Anderson donated $100 pesos. Additionally, $350 pesos were donated for miscellaneous pet items. SPCA-PV welcomes a new volunteer at the adoptions, Angela, and is grateful for the help last Saturday from David, Lynette, Sandra, Luz, Judy, Debra, and Marjorie.
 Four beautiful young and healthy black Labradors, all vaccinated and sterilized, are being given away for free. Alma hopes they will be adopted in pairs, as they have been living together for 3 years and she wants their transition to new homes to be as gentle as possible. Contact her at almapc(at)aol.com.
 For more information about the SPCA-PV, visit spcapv.com. |

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