|  |  | Vallarta Living  
6th Puerto Vallarta Dog Show a Success
Pamela Evans - PVNN April 01, 2010

| Interested in helping out or adopting a pet? Visit the PV Animal website at pvanimal.com for information. |  | Thanks to the enthusiasm of its sponsors as well as that of the dozens of participants in the Sixth Annual Perretón (Puerto Vallarta Dog Show), a chain of successes continued unbroken for the philanthropic nonprofit organization P.V. Animal last Sunday, March 28th.
 The occasion featured more than 20 dog-and-owner pairs racing in five heats determined by size of dog, cheered on by friends and family along the approximately 1-kilometer course.
 After the races, back at the Los Mangos Library canine attendees competed further in diverse categories such as Best Costume, Most Beautiful, and Best Disguise - the winners chosen by the amount of applause each garnered.
 As a separate feature, the organization Aves de Paraíso (Birds of Paradise) provided a fascinating demonstration of the intelligence of macaws and other endangered avian species safeguarded and supported by this laudable association.
 Sponsors of the Perretón contributed valuable prizes for raffle and auction at the event, and the many stands set up around the grounds offering wares and information included Puppy Patch, Diamond Pet Foods, Aura Kids, mothers from the school Fernández de Lizardi, Lucy's CuCu Cabaña, Cornerstone Hospital, P.E.A.C.E., and the single mothers' association La Casona. One of the most popular stands was that of the Centro de Acopio Animal (the "pound"), which managed at the event to secure loving homes for ten of its canine population.
 A touching moment was the recognition given Joe Carrasco, who was acknowledged as one of the most faithful supporters of the Perretón, demonstrating year after year his admirable talent for costuming his three happy and beautiful dogs.
 According to Mónica González Iriarte, President of the Board of Directors of P.V. Animal, the nearly $30,000 pesos raised by the event will be used for the most urgent current needs of the Centro de Acopio Animal. Among these are the repair of its truck, the purchase of medicine and surgical equipment, and various repairs to its building, which is the property of the municipality of Puerto Vallarta.
 Interested in helping out or adopting a pet? Visit the PV Animal website at pvanimal.com for information. |

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