|  |  | Vallarta Living  
Pet Heaven Continues Its Good Work
Julie Bunker - PVNN June 07, 2010

| From left: Cesar, Raton and Julia – 4 week old kittens burned, now recovering in the good hands of Pet Heaven. To learn how you can help, visit petheavenmx.org. |  | Three kittens - BURNED – were recently found wandering around on the dirt road at the turn-in to Pet Heaven, a no-kill cat shelter just outside of Puerto Vallarta with approximately 150 cats and kittens. Our adults roam free on our 1/2 acre grounds and our kittens live in our nursery. Our mission is to stop the suffering of homeless cats and kittens, and we do an excellent job.
 Now we have 3 more little residents, tender and crispy as they are. About four weeks old, these 3 burn victims now have comfortable quarters in our on-site clinic with a "special" floor in their cage to make walking as comfortable as possible due to the 3rd degree burns on their oh-so-tender paws pads.
 Very loud, strong, distress cries from these precious ones caught the attention of our live-in caretaker, Eloisa. Under the circumstances, the kittens could not have been in a better place than just outside of our fences.
 The 3 kittens were treated by our vet on duty that day, Dra. Eva Torres, who works with Pet Heaven after her job at the well-known Sabhuesos Clinic ("Dr. Paco") in Puerto Vallarta. The only conclusion we could reach as to how these precious ones were burned was that someone had picked up the kittens – probably hand under belly – and then plopped them down, one by one, in hot ashes, perhaps as they burned their trash? Only guesses. But kittens won’t voluntarily walk into heat like this on their own – all 3 of them, no. To think someone deliberately did this... there are no words to describe.
 With their bandages resembling boxing gloves, Dra. Eva named the 3 kittens after two famous Mexican boxers, one being Julio Cesar Chavez and the other, Raul "Raton" Macias. We are happy to report that Julia, Cesar and Raton are doing well now and are expected to make a full recovery.
 On their first day with us, only Raton could eat. Poor Julia and Cesar had little burnt mouths making eating too painful. All were given KMR Kitten Formula by syringe. The good news is that all have now graduated to Hill’s Prescription "a/d" canned food.
 Together with their whiskers, their fur was also singed in places, to include the area around Julia’s left eye. Cesar also has burns on his tummy. Flea combing their fur brought out tiny black ashes, similar to flea dust, but not. The only fleas they had were dead ones perhaps scorched to death by the heat?
 But those tender little pads on the bottom of their paws with the 3rd degree burns are the main concern, thus the miniature boxing gloves. Julia loses her balance while standing because of her dressings but is determined to eat. She has been caught more than once belly up with hind bandaged feet shooting straight up in the air, while she has turned the front part of her body to the side with head in bowl so she can continue eating (the "bowl" being the flat lid to a plastic container.)
 Pet Heaven IS the solution to stop the suffering of homeless cats and kittens – and to step in for tiny creatures like Julia, Cesar and Raton who would have been doomed to a slow and painful death had we not been there for them. We are the solution and we run solely on donations.
 We invite you to be a part of the solution by becoming a monthly donor, which we are actively soliciting now, or by becoming a one-time donor. You decide. Our work will continue only if caring folks like you support us.
 For more information, contact Julie Bunker, the shelter’s administrator, at julievallarta(at)gmail.com or 044-322-171-8193. We offer tax deductible receipts for those who give via our USA bank account. Mexican pesos are also most appreciated.
 Pet Heaven is a Non-Profit shelter in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico that provides homeless cats and kittens a recuperative stay with the ultimate goal to adopt them out to loving homes. All of our residents have been sterilized, vaccinated and are disease free. We accomplish this through our own efforts as well as collaboratively with other animal welfare organizations. Both monetary donations as well as donations of dry cat food are most welcome – and much appreciated. For more information, visit petheavenmx.org. |

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