|  |  | Vallarta Living  
Pet Heaven Changing Name to PuRR Project
Julie Bunker - PVNN November 29, 2010

| PuRR Project's New website and logo design generously donated by Griffin Graffix. |  | Pet Heaven, a non-profit shelter in Puerto Vallarta that provides homeless cats and kittens a recuperative stay with the ultimate goal to adopt them out to loving homes, is changing it’s name to PuRR Project!
 We have gone through a few rather difficult changes in recent months. So in an attempt to make 'change' something positive for us, we decided to turn over a completely new leaf – name change and all! And... with the name change, we also are extremely proud to launch our brand new website: PurrProject.com.
 High Season Events
 • PuRR Project can now be found holding adoption events at the Old Town Farmer’s Market where we are having wonderful luck finding excellent "Forever Homes" for our kitties! Come and visit us there every Saturday through high season from 10 am – 2 pm at the Paradise Community Center, located in the Los Muertos area on Calle Pulpito across the street from Coco’s Kitchen. Kittens make for thoughtful gifts of love during these holiday seasons – gifts that keep adoring you for the rest of their precious lives! If you would like more information on adoptions, contact Linda "Bama" Brasseal at lbrasseal(at)yahoo.com.
 • Come join us for Mexican Loteria Happy Hours at No Way José! Restaurant located on Calle 5 de Febrero just south of the Rio Cuale right before Molino de Agua on the Gutierrez Rizo’s supermarket side street. Come and learn how to play Loteria; have a signature ‘Pink Pussy Passion’ cocktail, created especially for this event by former Utah business owner Conner Watts; learn some Spanish as you play along... and Win Prizes! Held on 2nd and 4th Thursdays from 4:30–7 pm, starting on December 9th. Thank you to No Way José! for hosting these Happy Hour games to benefit the grrrrrreatful felines at PuRR Project!
 • Real Estate Open House For Charity, December 16th at Casa Banderas at Real de Amapas in upper Conchas Chinas. To attend this event, we are asking for a donation of $400 pesos for our Food for Felines program. With our current numbers, it costs about $32 USD per day to feed our entire population of adult cats as well as our kittens. Your donation will help PURR Project to not only provide food for our felines, but to continue providing nourishing Diamond brand food that has given our cats a great boost in their health and well being.
 • Our Thursday Caravan Tours to PuRR Project have been extremely successful and have proven to be very enjoyable afternoons! The shelter is located about 40 minutes north of the airport (depending upon traffic, of course) and is located in a rather ‘remote’ area of the Mexican countryside. So we offer to take folks out for their first visit so that no one gets lost! See the REAL Mexico along the way as you pass thru tiny pueblos. And when there, you’ll be amazed at the beauty of so many felines wandering free - uncaged – through the PuRR Project gardens. If you are interested in visiting PuRR Project, contact Nicole Martin at nicole.martin(at)prurealtypv.com.
 Donations For further information on the below points, contact Julie Bunker at julievallarta(at)gmail.com.
 • PuRR Project runs solely on donations. As of yet, we have no government funding or corporate sponsorships of any kind. However, we are grateful for all assistance and continuous generosity which will enable our NON-PROFIT project to flourish. For information on how to donate, click HERE.
 • Giving just $1 USD to these innocent creatures is worth it! YOU CAN make difference! It’s only 1 dollar..... Celebrate these innocent creatures with us. GIVE NOW!
 • Remembering "Big Girl Lola" who is now with the angels - euthanized last Monday - we would so appreciate funds to enable us to purchase and then test all of our residents for Leukemia. If you have a special interest in this, let us know. Our future plans also include having a Feline Leukemia House – where felines with the disease, but who’s quality of life is still good, can have a place to go to live out their lives, receive medical attention, thus eliminating the risk of contaminating the general population who do not have Leukemia. Yes, feline leukemia is contagious among felines. Earmark YOUR donation - "in memory of Big Girl Lola."
 • Food for Felines! A heartfelt Gracias! to the growing handful of donors who have committed to a monthly donation earmarked for the purchase of Diamond brand cat food for our residents. With our current numbers it costs approximately $32 USD/day to feed our entire population... about $400 Mexican pesos. For more information on how to become a Food for Felines monthly donor, go to PurrProject.com, click on 'Donate' and scroll down... or contact Julie Bunker at julievallarta(at)gmail.com.
 Other News
 Shhhh! The kitties may be getting a face lift! Well, the shelter that is! We are currently in contention with other deserving charities in the hopes that Home Depot will select PuRR Project to be one of their community service projects for January, 2011. If PuRR is selected, a team of about 25-30 men will ‘invade’ our shelter gardens and give us a much needed face lift to include paint and garden cleaning - all in ONE single day! This would be a miracle for our shelter at No Charge to us! More news to come when we get it...
 Our Mission: ...to provide homeless cats and kittens a recuperative stay at PuRR Project with the ultimate goal to adopt them out to loving homes sterilized, vaccinated and disease free; accomplishing this through our own efforts as well as collaboratively with other animal welfare organizations and veterinarians.
 Our Vision: ...to reduce in significant numbers the suffering that homeless cats and kittens in the greater Puerto Vallarta area endure.
 Please don’t be shy – we’d love to hear from you! info(at)purrproject.com. |

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