Calling All Vets & Animal Lovers: Christmas Pet-a-Thon at Blake's Sports Bar
Roberta Rand - PVNN December 03, 2010
 Blake's Sports Bar and Vida Animal de Bahía Banderas (VABB) will host a Christmas Pet-a-Thon from noon to 7 pm on December 4th. Blake's is located on Francisco Medina Ascencia in Plaza Las Glorias (four blocks from the Sheraton Hotel.)
 Blake's is taking donations of money, veterinary supplies and pet food to be distributed to animal rights organizations Purr Project (formerly Pet Heaven), PV Animal, SPCA, PEACE, Paraíso Felino, VABB and the animal acopio center in Puerto Vallarta.
 Items Needed Include:
 Dog and cat food, pet collars, and leashes in all sizes, cat litter, plastic cages of all sizes to transport animals (new and used), metal cages, cat milk, cat feeding bottles, food and water dishes (all sizes), flea shampoo and soap, powdered milk to feed kittens KRM, Nutrigel-oral vitamin supplement, deworming, Frontline (flea ), Amitraz (acaricide), Sarnacyl (antifungal), Necain (eye drops), flea and tick spray, Ivermectin.
 Veterinary Items needed include drugs for operations and post-surgical medications. These include:
 • gauze, tape • Isodine, iodine, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol • chlorhexidine • shaver blades • 40 or 50 antibiotic and analgesic / anti-inflammatory injections • Sedation and anesthesia (xilaxina, ketamine, Zoletil, diazepam) • Blades for scalpel, sutures (2-0 and 3-0), bandages, cotton, tape • syringes (3ml, 5ml, 10ml, 20ml) • insulin syringes • gloves (medium and large) • an IV HT, saline or glucose, catheters 24, 22, 20, 18 G and venipuncture (micro dropper normo), endotracheal tubes, lubricating the eyes of cats
 • Anesthesia Zoletil 50 or 100, ketamine, pentobarbital, Nesagunt (healing, antiseptic, bactericide), Dexa-jet (Anti inflammatory), Fluvet (Anti-inflammatory, gluconeogenic, anti-stress and anti-allergic), enrofloxacin (broad-spectrum antibiotic), Ivermectin, Brosin ointment, suspension Basker, Amoxicillin, Meloxicam Injection, Bayoftal, Diaferrin, Kaobiotic, Sarnacyl, Nutrigel
 Cleaning: Clorox, Pinol, paper towels, rags to clean floors, detergents, Odoban
 General: fans (new or used but in good condition), kola-loka, masking tape, D and AA batteries, blankets, towels, pillowcases, blankets (that you do not need anymore), yoga mats in good condition for the cages, cat toys, new stuffed animals or used for puppies, dryer, duct tape, masking tape, etc.
 For more information, contact Ana Sarmiento at anamedsv(at)

Roberta Rand is Owner/Creative Director of Palabras Mágicas Marketing and the author "Playing the Tuba at Midnight" (IVP, 1995), humor and encouragement for single women. Read more of Roberta's observations about life and Mexico on her blog, She lives in Puerto Vallarta with her dogs Bo and Rocky.
 Click HERE fore more articles by Roberta Rand.