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Adopt a Kitty this Christmas – it’s the Purrfect Gift
Julie Bunker - PurrProject.com December 06, 2010

| Rescued kitten Harry Martin's first Christmas |  | The Christmas spirit is upon us! Adopt a Kitty – it’s the puRRfect gift! PuRR Project, formerly Pet Heaven, has oodles of adorable felines patiently awaiting their 'Forever Homes.'
 A no-kill cat shelter, they currently have approximately 260 cats and kittens and are setting up adoption posts all over town. Although they are not accepting rescues at present due to their current population overload, their mission IS to receive rescued, homeless cats, give them a recuperative stay at the shelter and then adopt them into loving homes. Those cats who are feral, and those not adopted out, will live in the PuRR Project gardens roaming free (no cages!) to live out their lives in peace and dignity.

"Harry Martin" was rescued by a Canadian mother and daughter, Mom Debbie and her daughter Nicole Martin of Prudential Realty. Strolling along the river in El Nogalito a few years back BEFORE PuRR Project was even in existence, they heard what seemed to be little kitten cries – and sure enough they discovered what we often see here... a tiny kitten tied in a plastic bag inside of a trash barrel struggling for his life.
 They immediately removed him and found a very weak little kitten, skin and bones. The vet confirmed that Harry Martin had his share of problems, but Debbie and Nicole were ready to take on the task of making little Harry well again – and they succeeded.
 When Harry went home to join the family’s 7 other cats he had a miniature Christmas tree in HIS honor awaiting his arrival... and the rest is history. Harry still lives to this day in a population of 17 cats in the Martin household!
 Debbie and Nicole are ‘exceptional’ in that they open their home to suffering animals (yes, dogs as well - and even a horse once!) Not everyone can do that, and that is why PuRR Project exists. To receive rescued felines in need.
 To be able to continue their work, PuRR Project, being a "no-kill" shelter, MUST reduce their population BY ADOPTION. And this is where YOU come in. Why not just consider, just for a moment, what the addition of a cat or kitten would do for your family? If you have children, it’s an EXCELLENT example for them to see your compassion in receiving a rescued feline into your home... and what JOY this would bring to both child AND feline! Or if you are retired, what better company could there be? 'Tis the season! Adopt a kitty!
 For more information on adoptions contact Linda "Bama" Brasseal at lbrasseal(at)yahoo.com. To sign up for a Thursday tour of PuRR Project, contact Nicole Martin at nicole.martin(at)prurealtypv.com. For information on donating, or becoming a monthly donor, contact Julie Bunker at julievallarta(at)gmail.com, or visit PurrProject.com.
 Purr Project is a Non-Profit shelter in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico that provides homeless cats and kittens a recuperative stay with the ultimate goal to adopt them out to loving homes. All of our residents have been sterilized, vaccinated and are disease free. We accomplish this through our own efforts as well as collaboratively with other animal welfare organizations. Both monetary donations as well as donations of dry cat food are most welcome – and much appreciated. For more information, visit PurrProject.com. |

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