A Dog Gone Good Night at Banana Cantina
Debbi Egan - PVNN

| On Wednesday, March 12, Banana Cantina went to the dogs (and cats) with hosts Cathy Gordon and Heather Wilson raising $21,145 pesos for the Puerto Vallarta SPCA. | 
| | Held every Wednesday from 7-10 pm, Banana Cantina's popular Local Celebrity Charity Night offers residents and visitors the opportunity to enjoy a great meal, meet interesting people - while raising money for local charities!
 Tonight, Candace of Fishing with Carolina will guest host to raise funds for AUTISM02, a non-profit clinic with a Hyperbaric Chamber for those with MS, Fibromyalgia, Cancer, Stroke and other debilitating conditions.
 On Wednesday, March 12 Charity Night went to the dogs (and cats) with hosts Cathy Gordon and Heather Wilson, Cathy's gorgeous, vibrant daughter Marina and wonderful grandchildren Rachel and Connor, amazing patrons, customers and friends we raised $21,145 pesos to help the animals.
 Grant and Keiran of Mama Dolores started the night off by hauling a big bag containing 2500 pesos, all in one- and two-peso coins (which they save and donate once a year to a worthy charity,) and Casa Lupe donated $1000 pesos.
 The list of raffle and live auction donors with auctioneer Gil Givens, included gift certificates from Cassandra Shaw Jewelry, Mama Dolores Diner, Encuentros, Bruces Back Alley, Yoga Vallarta, The Deli, Tu Chilies, Bumerang, and Xocodiva.
 Also raffled, a tropical flower arrangement from Flowers to Go, silver earrings from Cassandra, a hand-made doggie blanket and pillow from Lisa Love, gourmet dog biscuits from Xocodiva, a biomagnetism treatment from Kathy Lowther, color cut and blow dry from Clay at Blu by Len and certificate for 35% off mani, pedi, and facial, three handcrafted items from Lucy's Cucu Cabana, and one of Gil's hilarious books.
 Snapped up in the live auction were a winsome cat drawing by artist Dewayne Barker, "Red Chair" print by David Sholl, iPod Nano, Westin Resort and Spa Puerto Vallarta three day/two night deluxe room for two, ... and I haven't yet mentioned the bags from Marina filled with major goodies – exclusive cosmetics and fragrances from Jo Malone/Bobbi Brown/Giorgio Armani/Kerastase and more desirable items.

Sound like a lot? Sound like too many? NO WAY, everyone clapping, cheering, cat calling, laughing, it was a Dog Gone Good night!
 Be sure to stop by Banana Cantina tonight from 7-10 pm to enjoy a great meal, meet interesting people – and raise money for AUTISM02.
 To make your reservations or to learn more about Local Celebrity Night at Banana Cantina, call 222-2114 or send an email to PVbananacantina(at)aol.com. For more information about the restaurant, visit BananaCantina.com. |