Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - If you are a Puerto Vallarta resident or frequent visitor, you have probably seen Tropicasa Realty agent Alfonso "Poncho" Davalos walking around town with his miniature pig, 'Paco Adobo.' If you've ever considered having a pet pig of your own, you'll want to read his story.
I am Alfonso "Poncho" Davalos and I live with Paco Adobo, my mini pig. The adventure started almost two years ago after I watched the movie Uptown Girls, starring Brittany Murphy and Dakota Fanning. One of the characters had a pet pig, which put the idea of having a pet pig of my own into my head. I did my research online about pigs, all kinds and sizes of pigs, how to train them, etc.
The first and most important thing I had to do before Paco Adobo was flown in from Mexico City was to find a vet who could take care of a pet pig. Not an easy task, but after making numerous calls, I finally found Sabuesos in the 5 de diciembre area, who could help me take care of my little porker's health.
I have to say this year and a half has been a grand adventure. Living with a mini pig is very interesting. For example, a day with Paco Adobo starts from the moment that I wake up at 5:30 am. While I get ready for my workout, he has his breakfast, which could be a tomato, zucchini, or an apple. Then he goes to the bathroom. Thankfully, pigs are very smart, and Paco learned to do his business in the shower. At lunch time Paco has some apples, papaya, watermelon or chayote. It depends, technically he just eats fruits and vegetables during the day.
Pigs love to lie in the sun, and some of them love to play in the water. Given that we live in Puerto Vallarta, you might think that Paco adores playing the ocean, but this is not the case. However, he does know how to dance and sit on command - and I am sure that with time he could even learn to paint, like Steve the painting pig who lives in the U.S.
Here are some interesting facts about pigs:
• Mini pigs are emotional, sensitive, overly-dramatic, and empathetic
• Pigs, smile, cry tears and "hot" pant
• The squealing is very LOUD
• Pigs loves schedules
• Salt and dehydration can kill pigs
• Pools are multi-purpose pig tools (used for cooling and toilet)
• Trust and respect must be earned
• They are devilishly intelligent
• Purses, pantries and backpacks are not longer safe (TRUST ME, I learned the hard way!)
Paco Adobo and I are your #PuercoVallarta Real Estate team. I'm not kidding! My pet pig has already sold a house in the Las Moras gated community near Marina Vallarta, and a condo on Palm Springs street in the Versalles area! Want to know how he does it? Feel free to email us at alfonso(at)tropicasa.com or like Paco Adobo's fan page on Facebook.
Oh, and Paco loves to "ham it up," so don't hesitate to stop us on the street for a picture!

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