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Global Gag Rule Must Not Be Domesticated
Women's eNews

If Democrats take back the White House, a US restriction on overseas family planning aid should be lifted. Meantime, Carol Roye says, watch out for a domestic version of the "global gag rule" in the Bush administration's final days.

Canada: Reprieve for Abused Mexican Women
Lesley Ciarula Taylor

In a series of stunning decisions, the Federal Court of Canada has jumped to the defence of Mexican women trying to stay in Canada to escape violence and abuse.

A Victory for Women
New York Times

Three women from Guinea won a court victory in Manhattan this month in their struggle to win asylum as victims of the barbaric form of persecution known as female genital cutting. In doing so, they have shined a light on the urgent need for consistent humane policies that treat women’s rights as fundamental human rights.

Tamaulipas Legislators Reject Legalization of Abortion
Matthew Cullinan Hoffman

egislators in the Mexican state of Tamaulipas, which borders the United States, have rejected an attempt to decriminalize abortion, according to the news agency Infonorte.

Forty-Thousand Mexicans to March Against Legalization of Abortion

Nearly 40,000 Mexicans will march on June 22 to the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe to pray for the defense of the unborn and to express their opposition to the legalization of abortion in the Mexican capital.

A Vital Choice
Angela Heimburger & Tamara Taraciuk

Mexico City’s abortion law gives women a vital choice. For some, the ability to exercise this choice may mean the difference between life and death.

Bone Drug Could Help Prevent the Spread of Breast Cancer
Gwen Ericson

Maintaining bone density could be a key to decreasing the spread of cancer in women with locally advanced breast cancer, according to research at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.

Culture Affects How Teen Girls See Harassment
Allison Elliott

Teenage girls of all ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds still experience sexism and sexual harassment – but cultural factors may control whether they perceive sexism as an environmental problem or as evidence of their own shortcomings.

Mexico's Efforts to End Violence Against Women Stymied by Macho Culture
Franco Ordonez

Every day thousands of Mexican women suffer physical and psychological abuse at the hands of their spouses, despite a federal law passed over a year ago to protect them.

Eating Native Mexican Food May Help Prevent Breast Cancer in Women
Vicki Buffolino

No ethnic cuisine has penetrated the American culture like Mexican food. For years, the general public has been told Mexican food may not be healthy for us. However, now researchers are now saying when it comes to native Mexican food, it’s all good.

Not Only Condoms Stop HIV
Paul Crist

In January, the Federal Office of Public Health in Switzerland released the results of a study claiming that HIV+ individuals who are receiving antiretroviral therapy and whose viral load is undetectable, "do not transmit HIV by sexual means."

Leading Experts Investigate Shaken Baby Syndrome
Elsevier Health Sciences

Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS), also known as childhood neurotrauma or inflicted traumatic brain injury, is the leading cause of death from childhood maltreatment. Unlike many types of child abuse, the action that causes SBS is known, occurs quickly, and is, theoretically, largely preventable.

'Miracle' Wrinkle Cream's Key Ingredient: Circumcised Baby Foreskin
NBC 10

Barbara Blair says this new gel she's been using makes her face look a lot younger than the Retin-A and vitamin C creams she's been using. What Blair probably doesn't know is that a key ingredient in the cream is the foreskin of a circumcised baby.

Boy or Girl? The Answer May Depend on Mom’s Eating Habits
Tara Parker-Pope

How much a mother eats at the time of conception may influence whether she gives birth to a boy or a girl, a new report shows.

The Body Beautiful - Women’s Ladder to Success
Mario Osava

Brazilians, especially women, are among the global leaders in taking meticulous care of their bodies and exhibiting them to advantage. This is a significant factor in climbing social and economic ladders, establishing identities and competing successfully in markets, from employment to romance.

Mexico City Abortions: 8 Dead, 22 Injured
California Catholic Daily

The president of the National Pro-life Committee in Mexico, Jorge Serrano Limon, says he has confirmed that eight women have died from botched abortions in Mexico City since the practice was legalized last year.

Stigma Clings Stubbornly to Women Living With HIV/AIDS
Susan Blumenthal

HIV-positive women in the United States face strikingly high levels of stigma, according to survey results released today by amfAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research.

Perfect Self Tanning
Dear Sugar

Spring is fast approaching or very much arrived for some of us. It's a fine time to discuss self tanners and how to avoid those orange hands and streaks. Follow along and get a glow that says weekend jaunt in Mexico, not 60-watt bulb in the bathroom.

Cuba: Women Talk to Women about HIV/AIDS Prevention
Dalia Acosta

Prevention of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV, the AIDS virus, has become the centre of the lives of a small group of women in the province of Pinar del Río, in the west of Cuba.

Recap: Women's Week in Puerto Vallarta

From Feb 23 to Mar 2 queer women from Kelowna, Seattle, Toronto, Hamilton, Boston, Calgary, New Mexico, Chile, Puerto Vallarta and Guadalajara (as well as a couple of Canadians who have made Vallarta their home) danced, drank, sang, snorkeled, chatted and flirted in the Mexican heat.

Overweight Women Have Worse Breast Cancer: Study
Maggie Fox

Breast cancer patients who are overweight have more aggressive disease and are likely to die sooner, U.S. researchers reported on Friday.

Tómatelo a Pecho - Take it to Heart
Antonio O. Garza

In the United States, because of early detection and improved treatment, the five-year survival rate for women diagnosed with early stage breast cancer is 98%. It's time for these advances to be brought to women, not only in Mexico but everywhere.

International Women's Day: How and Why We Celebrate
Sue Katz

It's annoying that International Women's Day gets a mere whisper compared to the retail shout-out that Mothers' Day receives in this country. Although I'm not a big holiday/ritual/ceremony kinda girl (no, you can't ignore my birthdays), I do think this particular annual event is special, so I try to celebrate each year.

Mental Health Decline Caused by Immigration
Tyla Waxter

When the men of Mexican families migrate to the United States for work, leaving behind their families, the mental health of the wives decreases, said a BYU graduate during a presentation Thursday.

Violence Against Women Common
Maria Elena Salinas

The drastic measure of establishing "women only" buses was taken by transportation authorities in the Mexican capital this January to ensure their safety in a male-dominated society where women's rights are scarce.

Suicidal Anorexics: Determined to Die?
Kathleen Kingsbury

Deciding not to eat sounds to most people the very definition of suicide. It is perhaps no surprise then that a new study concludes that when anorexics choose to take their own lives, they tend to employ some of the most lethal methods available.

Need Abortion, Will Travel
Marcy Bloom

Recent coverage of the abortion providers' strike in Spain and the attacks on women's clinics there made use of the term "abortion tourism." LifeSiteNews, an anti-choice web site, refers to Barcelona, Spain as "Europe's abortion mecca, where people from all over the continent can travel to evade restrictions on late-term abortions."

The Blunt Truth on Women's Heart Disease

Heart disease didn't become the number one killer of women overnight. It took more than a generation for women to catch up to men. An unhealthy lifestyle results in a shortened life. A few simple methods can help improve your health and quality of life.

Vallarta Goes Red for Women's Heart Health

A rally on Olas Altas turned the streets of Puerto Vallarta red on February 15th, when over 120 people dressed in red gathered in front of salon blu by Len to raise awareness of women's heart disease and heart health.

Women’s Heart Health Charity Night Astounding Success

There was a whole lotta loving going on at last Wednesday's Banana Cantina Charity Night. Local celebrities Len and Larry set a new record for the amount collected for charity in one evening, while raising awareness of women's heart health.

Heart Disease #1 Killer of American Women

Heart disease is the number one killer of American Women. Wasn't this an old person's disease? A man's disease? Why are so many of our mothers and sisters, our daughters and girlfriends dying? When did our hearts start attacking us?

Help blu Turn Red

I really feel passionate about the women’s heart disease problem and its solution. Ladies, I truly believe it’s time to stomp this thing out. So put on your red dress and stop by blu by Len on February 15th at 1 pm for Vallarta Women’s Heart Appreciation Day.

Abortion and the Earth
Kelpie Wilson

On this recent thirty-fifth anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion, pro-choice activists are calling for a new approach to the issue.

Wise Women of Vallarta Upcoming Programs
Pamela Thompson

The Wise Women of Puerto Vallarta are planning two fabulous programs for February: "Living Beyond Cancer" with Lisa Schalla and Rosa Yamada on the 6th and "The Power of Our Stories" with International Author and Speaker, Joy Carol, on the 20th.

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